Ariel Posen Slide Tuning

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Ariel posen slide tuning. 1 4 b 4 b mf µ ííííííííííííí íííííííííí w slide ííííííííííííí íííííííííí œ iœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ bœ œ œ j œ œ œ œ iœ œ œ œ œ œ bœœ œœ œœ œœ œœ j 33 5 0 30 03 5 4 30 31. Through his work as a solo aritist and previous stints with the bros landreth ariel posen has earned a reputation as one of the world s hottest electric slide guitar players. We recently met up with slide virtuoso at that pedal show headquarters to talk all things slide guitar. In his series speaking with the slide world renown slide player ariel posen will guide you through slide scale positions in standard and open tuning as well as teaching you to use such freeing techniques as playing behind the slide that will open a world of possibilities for your slide playing.
He shares his top five tips for getting better tone and feel for electrified slide guitar. Ariel posen takes us behind the slide and beyond with a variety of slide guitar techniques.